Raster Entity Detection Tab (AutoCAD Raster Design Options Dialog Box)

Use this tab to determine how REM and vectorization tools detect raster entities. For more information see Raster Entity Detection Settings.

Single Pick Options

Max Jump Length (Pixels)

Specifies the distance AutoCAD Raster Design toolset can jump to extend a raster entity when selecting entities for the Smart option and one-picks for lines, circles, arcs, and polylines. Click Pick< to select the jump length directly from an image.

Stop At Intersections

Specifies whether REM and vectorization tools detect segments or entire primitives.

Use Raster Pick Gravity

Specifies whether to select raster that is within a pick aperture around the cursor.

When pick gravity is active, if you select a point that is not exactly on raster, AutoCAD Raster Design toolset looks for the specified number of aperture pixels in each direction to find raster.

Pick Aperture (Pixels)

Specifies the size of the aperture for pick gravity. Enter a numerical pixel width to define a new aperture size.

Multi-Pick Options

Float Tolerance (Pixels)

Specifies the maximum pixel distance between raster and vector for the raster to be selected. The distance between the vector being followed and the underlying raster is constantly tested to ensure the raster falls within the float tolerance. For example, if your REM primitive arc selection is further from the raster at one endpoint than the float tolerance allows, only that portion of the raster within the float tolerance is selected.

Non-Continuous Linetype Detection

Max Dash Length (Pixels)

Specifies the maximum length of dash segments for AutoCAD Raster Design toolset to consider an entity as a non-continuous line.

Click Pick < to select the dash length directly from an image.

Max Blank Length (Pixels)

Specifies the maximum distance between dashes for AutoCAD Raster Design toolset to consider an entity as a non-continuous line.

Click Pick < to select the blank length directly from an image.