To Scale an Image

  1. Click Raster menu CorrelateScale.
  2. Select an image to scale by clicking its image frame.
  3. Select a base point for the scale. This point acts as an anchor point for the image as its dimensions are scaled.
    Note: You can select a point on the image frame by using object snaps, or you can select points on specific raster entities by using raster snaps.
  4. Define the source distance factor by typing a value or by selecting two points to define the distance.

    For example, if you want to match the scale of one image to another image, select two points on the source image that you want to match with points on the image that is correctly scaled.

  5. Define the destination distance by typing a value or by picking two points to define the distance.

    For example, select two points on the correctly scaled image that you want the source image to align with. If the source and destination distance factors are the same value, then the image will not be scaled.

    Note: If you want to match the image rotation, use the Deskew option. If you want to move or scale the image as well as rotate the image, use the Match option. For more information, see Snapping to COGO Points and Correlating an Image After Insertion.