2022.1.1 Update

November 3, 2021

Fixed Issues

Autodesk Trust Center

For the latest information regarding the security fixes in this Update, refer to the Security Advisory.

Problems Reported Through the Customer Error Reporting Utility

As a result of the detailed information that we received from customers who used the Customer Error Reporting Utility, we were able to identify and fix several defects including the following:

Occasional crashes when plotting some special drawings to PDF.
Occasional crashes when merging some texts to an image.

General Update Content

The following defects have been fixed:

When using the Blocks palette to insert a block and the Repeat option is selected, the rotation angle can now be specified to each block instance.
The cursor displays correctly when TestEditorGetTrace command is active with a specified direction.
Point cloud with Elevation stylization displays correctly when orbiting a model.
Coordination models are now successfully imported to the model space.
Using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to copy and paste objects in some drawings no longer causes AutoCAD to freeze or hang.
Improved performance and drawing file no longer increases when DISPSILH system variable is set to 1.
Double-clicking a text in some drawing files no longer causes AutoCAD to freeze or hang.
The mouse scroll wheel or the middle button can now pan to reposition the view in the clipping plane window (3DCLIP).
Reopening a drawing that's saved after editing and deleting objects with associative properties such as dimension and others now works.