2022.1.4 Update

March 20, 2024

Fixed Issues

Autodesk Trust Center

For the latest information regarding security fixes in this update, refer to these Security Advisories:

Problems Reported Through the Customer Error Reporting Utility

As a result of the detailed information that we received from customers who used the Customer Error Reporting Utility, we were able to identify and fix several defects including the following:

Occasional crashes when launching AutoCAD directly or with its shortcut.

General Update Content

The following defects have been fixed:

Improved performance when opening certain drawings with external references.
Improved performance when selecting and displaying the block grips in some drawings.
The AutoCAD Web & Mobile plugin can now be successfully downloaded.
The F8 function key now works as expected when using the Chinese or Korean IME after the application of the Windows 11 22H2 Update.
The DWG file status maintains the correct status in the Desktop Connector after the file has been edited and saved in AutoCAD, with or without the Start page.
Block data with custom properties now displays the correct property values.
Arabic text now maintains consistent formatting when plotted to PDF files in certain drawings.
The Drawing History feature now works well with Box Enterprise users.
The registry key "LastLaunchedLanguage" now resets to the correct value when closing the German AutoCAD 2022 on a machine installed with both the AutoCAD 2022 English version and the German language pack.