Blocks Palette Enhancements

A number of enhancements have been made to the Blocks palette, including improved setup and control over third-party cloud providers for using blocks across devices, and a new Favorites tab.

In this update, when you use your Autodesk Account and sync your blocks with a cloud storage provider, your favorite and recent blocks, become accessible across devices.
The Blocks palette now allows you to copy your frequently used blocks to the new Favorites tab. You can copy a block from any tab in the Blocks palette to the Favorites tab.
You can better manage your sync settings in the Blocks palette now. In addition to the Sync Your Blocks option, the Blocks Sync Settings dialog box provides you control of your sync settings, including cloud storage user data permissions. The Block Sync Settings button near the bottom of the Blocks palette is dynamic and changes depending on the current location of your recent and favorite blocks.

Some notifications in the Blocks palette provide access to the Block Sync Settings so you can easily change the sync folder location.

The enhanced palette allows you to quickly insert any AutoCAD drawing file (DWG) as a block into the current drawing without adding it first to the Libraries tab. The new Insert DWG as Block option () is available on all the tabs.

New System Variables

BLOCKSYNCFOLDER - Sets the path where the recent and favorite blocks are stored.

Changed System Variables

BLOCKNAVIGATE - Controls the folder, file, and blocks that are displayed in the Libraries tab of the Blocks palette.