- User A is using Autodesk Civil 3D with the pipe network catalog path set to a network location, such as N:\Autodesk\Civil3D <version>\Pipes Catalog\.
- User A creates a new part and uses the part in Drawing 1.
- User B, in another office, edits Drawing 1 on his computer, which has the pipe network catalog path set to a different network location, such as J:\Autodesk\Civil\Pipes Catalog\. Drawing 1 searches for the pipes catalog on the N: drive but does not find it. Therefore, Autodesk Civil 3D substitutes the most similar part from the catalog on the J: drive and uses it instead.
Solution: User A sends the new part to the catalog manager, who distributes it to User B and others to maintain consistent catalogs. Users of networked catalogs in different offices should agree to use the same drive letter and path for their parts catalogs. If this is done, drawings can be shared reliably and it is easier to maintain standard catalogs.