Split Point Elevation Control

When feature lines within the same site cross each other and create a split point, that point acquires the elevation of the feature line that was last edited, which is commonly known as the “last one wins” rule. If the other feature line has a different elevation, it gets a grade break at the crossing point.

If a site contains feature lines of different styles, you can specify a priority level for each style for the purpose of controlling split point elevations. For more information, see About Feature Line Site Properties in the Grading chapter of the User’s Guide.

There is not an actual point at split points, so you cannot directly edit the elevation. When you edit one of the feature lines, its grade runs straight through the intersection, forcing the other feature line to break at the split point. If you create a feature line from AutoCAD entities, without assigning elevations, the new line has a default elevation of zero (0). To edit the elevation of a split point directly, or have better control over the point, use the Insert PI command to create a permanent point at that location on one of the feature lines.