Parcel topology is controlled by using sites. Drawings may have multiple sites and sites may contain multiple parcels. Each site represents a different set of relationships (topology) between objects. Parcels must exist within a site and they interact with other objects contained in the site, such as feature lines and alignments.
Any parcel segment drawn through an existing parcel will subdivide the parcel. To prevent this subdivision, you can create new parcels in a different site so that they will not be included in the same topology as the original parcels. Remember the following points when working with parcels and sites:
- Each site has a site parcel that represents the extents of all objects within the site.
- All parcels within a site are dynamically related to each other. However, parcels in one site are not related to parcels in a different site.
- While parcels within a site cannot overlap, sites can overlap, which in turn enables you to work with overlapping parcels. For example, property parcels overlapping soil mapping parcels.
- Parcels can be moved to a different site, but the original relationship to the other parcels in the original site is lost.
- Objects within a site do not have to touch each other.
- You can see a complete list of sites and the parcels within them on the Prospector tab of Toolspace.
- Use the Copy to Site and Move to Site commands to rearrange where objects are located and to prevent unwanted interaction.
- Certain site properties such as the site parcel style are specific to the Parcels collection within a site. To edit these properties, right-click the Parcels collection under the named site collection.