Editing Parcels

This section describes best practices when editing or altering parcel data.

Editing Lot Lines

Attached lot lines are created with the slide line, and swing line precise sizing tools available on the Parcel Layout Tools toolbar. You cannot slide or swing edit regular lot lines, because these commands only work with attached lot lines. When you grip an attached lot line, note that it has a single triangle grip at one end and can be grip edited to slide it along the lot line it is attached to. When working with attached lot lines, edit single lines one at a time.

The feature line editing commands that insert or edit elevation points work with attached lot lines. Feature line commands that edit the geometry such as Reverse, Insert PI, and so on, do not work with attached lot lines. For more information, see About Feature Lines.

Grip Editing

If you grip edit a parcel line and drag it past the Area Selection Label centroid, the parcel regenerates and may be assigned a new number and a different style. Track where the centroid is while grip editing. It is recommended that you complete grip editing and configuration of parcel geometry as much as possible before you add labels.