Storm Sewers Default Parts Matching

There are Default Parts Matching limitations when importing and exporting data from Storm Sewers to Autodesk Civil 3D, and then back to Storm Sewers.

In Storm Sewers, there are seven Rectangular Junction Structures (not including Headwalls). In Autodesk Civil 3D, there are only five Rectangular Junction Structures. In Storm Sewers there are seven Cylindrical Junction Structures. In Autodesk Civil 3D there are ten Cylindrical Junction Structures.

A best practice is to determine what Junction Types are being used in a given Storm Sewers Project (stm file) and set up the Part Matching Defaults to ensure that:

  1. Each Storm Sewers part used is matched with a unique Autodesk Civil 3D Part Family in the Import Tab.
  2. Each of those Autodesk Civil 3D Part Families that match the Storm Sewer parts that are in the STM file are matched to the appropriate Storm Sewer part in the Export tab.

The Autodesk Civil 3D drawing templates contain proposed matching settings as follows:

Import settings:

Export settings: