Assign Optional Properties to a Part Size

One way to customize a part is to add a property to the part size. In the following example, you will create a property by editing the Part Parameter Configuration file.

To assign optional properties to a part size

  1. Navigate to the Part Parameter Configuration xml file (AeccPartParamCfg.xml). The default location is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Civil 3D <version>\enu\Pipes Catalog\Aecc Shared Content
  2. Open the file and right-click View Source to modify the file.
  3. Navigate to the <AeccParamDeclaration> section. A sample optional property is the Hazen Williams Coefficient flow analysis. The entry for this is as follows: <AeccDfParameter name="ACHW" desc="Hazen Williams Coefficient" context="FlowAnalysis_HazenWilliams" index="0" datatype="Float" usage="Double_General" unit="" visible="True" internal="True"/>.
  4. Copy an existing optional property and make changes as appropriate to create a new property.
  5. In the <AeccParamUsage> section, the corresponding entry for the sample in step 3 is <AeccOptParam context="FlowAnalysis_HazenWilliams"/>. Copy and modify an entry as appropriate to create a new entry for your property.
  6. Save and close the xml file.