Surface Properties

The Surface object exposes general surface properties, which you can access using the various GetGeneralProperties() methods. Calculating and returning properties is a resource-intensive process, so you are encouraged to call this method once and re-use the returned object, instead of calling the method for each property. TIN and Grid surfaces have type-specific properties (returned by GetTinProperties() and GetGridProperties() respectively). Both Tin and Grid surfaces also implement a GetTerrainProperties() method.

This example gets general properties for the first surface in the database, and then depending on the surface type, it gets the Tin or Grid surface properties:

public void SurfaceProperties()
    using (Transaction ts = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
            // Get the first surface in a document    
            // "doc" is the CivilApplication.ActiveDocument
            ObjectId surfaceId = doc.GetSurfaceIds()[0];
            CivSurface oSurface = surfaceId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) as CivSurface;

            // print out general properties:
            GeneralSurfaceProperties genProps = oSurface.GetGeneralProperties();
            String propsMsg = "\nGeneral Properties for " + oSurface.Name;
            propsMsg += "\n-------------------";
            propsMsg += "\nMin X: " + genProps.MinimumCoordinateX;
            propsMsg += "\nMin Y: " + genProps.MinimumCoordinateY;
            propsMsg += "\nMin Z: " + genProps.MinimumElevation;
            propsMsg += "\nMax X: " + genProps.MaximumCoordinateX;
            propsMsg += "\nMax Y: " + genProps.MaximumCoordinateY;
            propsMsg += "\nMax Z: " + genProps.MaximumElevation;
            propsMsg += "\nMean Elevation: " + genProps.MeanElevation;
            propsMsg += "\nNumber of Points: " + genProps.NumberOfPoints;
            propsMsg += "\n--";


            // Depending on the surface type, let's look at grid or TIN properties:

            if (oSurface is TinSurface)
                TinSurfaceProperties tinProps = ((TinSurface)oSurface).GetTinProperties();
                propsMsg = "\nTIN Surface Properties for " + oSurface.Name;
                propsMsg += "\n-------------------";
                propsMsg += "\nMin Triangle Area: " + tinProps.MinimumTriangleArea;
                propsMsg += "\nMin Triangle Length: " + tinProps.MinimumTriangleLength;
                propsMsg += "\nMax Triangle Area: " + tinProps.MaximumTriangleArea;
                propsMsg += "\nMax Triangle Length: " + tinProps.MaximumTriangleLength;
                propsMsg += "\nNumber of Triangles: " + tinProps.NumberOfTriangles;
                propsMsg += "\n--";

            else if (oSurface is GridSurface)
                #region GetGridProperties
                GridSurfaceProperties gridProps = ((GridSurface)oSurface).GetGridProperties();
                propsMsg = "\\Grid Surface Properties for " + oSurface.Name;
                propsMsg += "\n-------------------";
                propsMsg += "\n X Spacing: " + gridProps.SpacingX;
                propsMsg += "\n Y Spacing: " + gridProps.SpacingY;
                propsMsg += "\n Orientation: " + gridProps.Orientation;
                propsMsg += "\n--";


        catch (System.Exception e) { editor.WriteMessage(e.Message); }