To make the new structure a meaningful part of a pipe network, it must be connected to pipes in the network using the AeccStructure.ConnectToPipe method or pipes must be connected to it using the AeccPipe.ConnectToStructure method. After a structure has been connected to a network, you can determine the pipes connected to it by using the Connections property, which is a read-only collection of network parts. There are also methods and properties for setting and determining all types of physical measurements for the structure and for accessing collections of user-defined properties for custom descriptions of the structure.
' Given a pipe and a structure, join the second endpoint ' of the pipe to the structure. oStructure.ConnectToPipe oPipeNew, aeccPipeEnd ' Determine flow directions from all pipes connected ' to a structure. Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To oStructure.ConnectedPipesCount - 1 If (oStructure.IsConnectedPipeFlowingIn(i) = True) Then Debug.Print "Pipe "; i; " flows into structure" Else Debug.Print "Pipe "; i; " does not flow into structure" End If Next i