Add or modify a part family in the Parts Editor
- Open a part catalog in the Part Editor.
- Click Structure.
- Select a part family from the Navigation Panel.
- For example, click Rectangular Frame M01 in the Surface Structure part family category for the Drainage Structure domain.
- Click Duplicate in the Parts tab to create a copy of the selected part family.
- Enter a unique Part Family name in the Part Family Properties tab.
- If you are creating a new part family, you must specify a part category and part class as well.
Note: If you are modifying an existing part family, Category and Class are read-only values.
- Click Next.
- You can use the Shapes tab to specify a different parametric shape for the selected part family.
- Hover on a shape template to view key dimensions that have been defined for the part shape.
- Click New Shape Template if you want to import a shape template in .IPT format.
- Shape templates can be authored with the Infrastructure Modeler plugin for Autodesk Inventor.
- Each tab of the Part Editor has additional instructions that you can expand or collapse.
- Click Next.
- The Detailed Properties tab lets you input additional attributes for your parts family. Most fields in this tab are optional.
- For Surface Structures, you have the option to specify an inlet form and whether there is a curb inlet.
- Click Next.
- The Parts Editing tab is where you can create or modify size variations for the selected part family.
- Use the Part Editing table to customize part sizes for your part family.
- Each column in the sizing table represents a size dimension that is defined by the shape templates for the part family.
- Click Add Row to create a new part size, then modify its dimensions in the sizing table.
- You also have the option of clicking Export to Excel to edit the sizing table in Microsoft Excel.
- Once you have exported this sizing table to Excel, you can import an updated version with the Import From Excel button.
- Use the scrollbar to review or modify the dimensions of the selected part size.
- You can click into any individual cell to modify an existing value or enter a new value.
- For example, I will specify 2100 mm for the port length and port width dimensions, and keep the other values the same.
- This modifies the new part size to have an Underground Structure port that is 300 mm longer and wider.
- If at any point you don't recognize the column names, hover your cursor over a column header for more information.
- Make sure to review each column in the sizing table for every part. If you forget to input a value, you may encounter errors later on.
- Click Add Properties to review a list of key dimensions in the shape template.
- Checkmark dimensions to show or hide them in the Part Editing table.
- For example, checkmark Part Size ID to add it to the table, then click OK.
- Part Size ID is now active in the sizing table.
- Click Add Properties again and un-checkmark Part Size ID to remove it from the sizing table once again.
- As a best practice, we recommend giving each new part size a unique name.
- Remember that you can click Delete Row to remove a part size from your part family.
- When ready, click Next.
- The final step is to visually validate part sizes in the Size Validation tab.
- Click Done when you are finished validating part sizes for your part family.
- You can now move on to creating an assembly.