To add or modify an assembly

Add or modify a parametric part assembly in the Infrastructure Parts Editor.

  1. Open the Parts Editor to the Parts tab.
  2. Select an Assembly in the Navigation Panel and right-click.
  3. Click New.
  4. The new assembly appears in the Navigation Panel with a generic name.
  5. In the Base Parts tab, give the new assembly a unique name.
  6. Review the Base Parts tab. In this example, we are creating a new Inlet or Access Structure assembly.
  7. To create an assembly, you must begin with a base part family. The supported Base Type for an Inlet or Access Structure assembly is a Surface Structure.
  8. Click an available surface structure type to add it to your assembly as the base prat.
  9. Click Next.
  10. In the Components tab, use the Assembly View and Matching Parts panes to create an assembly.
  11. The Base part you selected is automatically added to the Assembly View.
  12. Review matching parts.
  13. Parts that do not match the base part show a warning.
  14. You can drag and drop matching parts into the Assembly View.
  15. Collapse part family sections to view other available par families.
  16. Drag and drop additional part families into the Assembly View to complete the assembly, then click Next.
  17. You can review assembly properties in the Detailed Properties tab.
  18. Optionally, you can input a new part family global name, and short description.
  19. If the part assembly has a sump or inlet, checkmark the appropriate boxes.
  20. Review the assembly in the Size Validation tab.
  21. Click each row in the Assembly Size Table to view a preview of that assembly.
  22. You can pan and orbit in the Assembly View pane with your mouse.
  23. When you are finished validating the size variations in your assembly, click Done.
  24. Your new custom assembly is listed in the Navigation panel. Click the new assembly name to review or modify its attributes at any time.