Publish a catalog of parametric part assemblies for drainage or piping design to Autodesk InfraWorks or Autodesk Civil 3D.
- Open a parts catalog in the Parts Editor.
- Select the Publish tab.
- Click Publish.
- By default, all assemblies in your catalog are selected.
- Click Select None to deselect all assemblies.
- Checkmark any assemblies that you want to export to a catalog, then click Next.
- The publish dialog displays.
- Expand the validation message at the top of the dialog to check for errors and/or warnings.
- Scroll down and review the validation report for errors or warnings.
- Note the location of the log file if you encounter errors.
- Hide the validation report.
- By default, Parts Editor publishes to a shared content folder for Autodesk Infraworks.
- As a best practice, leave the version and shared content folder Location values unchanged.
- Give the catalog a unique name that you will recognize.
- If applicable, you can publish your catalog to the shared content folder for the Rolling Sandbox.
- If you checkmark Model, you can select an existing InfraWorks model to publish the catalog to.
- Select any models that you would like to publish your catalog to.
- You can scroll through recent models, or click Other Models to browse all your models.
- Make sure to choose Merge or Overwrite carefully. Overwrite will replace existing catalogs if they have the same file name.
- Checkmark Civil 3D if you want to publish your catalog to Autodesk Civil 3D.
- You can publish a catalog to Autodesk InfraWorks, Autodesk Civil 3D, or both applications at once.
- When publishing is completed, the Publish Report dialog appears.
- Click the links to view the destination folders for your catalog in Windows Explorer.
- You can now use your custom part catalogs in Autodesk InfraWorks or Autodesk Civil 3D.