
The RailPlatform subassembly includes common layers for rail platform such as walls, concrete plinth, footway, sand bed, foundation, and so on.


Input Parameters

Note: All dimensions are in meters or feet unless otherwise noted. All slopes are in run-over-rise form (for example, 4 : 1) unless indicated as a percent slope with a “%” sign.





Side Specifies which side to place the subassembly. Left / Right Right
Wall Width Width of the wall below the rail platform Numeric, positive

2.782 ft

0.85 m

Wall Link Code A list of codes to be assigned to the wall link Comma-separated string Wall
Concrete Plinth Height Height of the concrete plinth above the wall Numeric, positive

0.2 ft

0.06 m

Concrete Plinth Link Code A list of codes to be assigned to the Concrete Plinth link Comma-separated string Concrete Plinth
Concrete Units Height Height of the concrete units above the concrete plinth Numeric, positive

0.2 ft

0.06 m

Concrete Flag Link Code A list of codes to be assigned to the Concrete Flag link Comma-separated string Concrete Flag
Concrete Units Shape Code A list of codes to be assigned to the Concrete Units shape Comma-separated string Concrete Units
Concrete Flag Shape Code A list of codes to be assigned to the Concrete Flag shape Comma-separated string Concrete Flag
Concrete Flag Height Height of the concrete flag above the concrete units Numeric, positive

0.12 ft

0.04 m

Concrete Flag Width Width of the concrete flag above the concrete units Numeric, positive

0.7 ft

0.21 m

Concrete Units Link Code A list of codes to be assigned to the Concrete Units link Comma-separated string Concrete Units
Sand Bed Depth The depth of the sand between the concrete units and concrete flag Numeric, positive

0.07 ft

0.02 m

Sand Bed Shape Code A list of codes to be assigned to the sand bed shape Comma-separated string Sand
Wall Shape Code A list of codes to be assigned to the Wall shape Comma-separated string Wall
Sand Bed Link Code A list of codes to be assigned to the Sand Bed link Comma-separated string Sand
Concrete Plinth Shape Code A list of codes to be assigned to the Concrete Plinth shape Comma-separated string Concrete Plinth
Footway Slope Slope of footway on the rail platform Numeric 40 ( :1 )
Footway Shape Code A list of codes to be assigned to the Footway shape Comma-separated string Footway
Foundation Shift Distance from the concrete wall to the foundation Numeric

0.1 ft

0.03 m

Foundation Depth Depth of the rail platform Numeric, positive

0.556 ft

0.17 m

Foundation Shape Code A list of codes to be assigned to the Foundation shape Comma-separated string Foundation
Overhang Distance of the rail platform from the concrete wall on both sides Numeric

0.512 ft

0.156 m

Foundation Link Code A list of codes to be assigned to the foundation link Comma-separated string Foundation
Foundation Back Width Width of the foundation back Numeric, positive

1.65 ft

0.5 m

Foundation Back Shape Code A list of codes to be assigned to the Foundation Back shape Comma-separated string Foundation Back
Footway Link Code A list of codes to be assigned to the Footway link Comma-separated string Footway
Sand Blinding Depth Depth of sand blinding under the rail platform Numeric, positive

0.1 ft

0.03 m

Sand Blinding Shape Code A list of codes to be assigned to the sand blinding shape Comma-separated string Sand Blinding
Foundation Back Height Height of the foundation back Numeric, positive

1.05 ft

0.32 m

Platform Edge Feature Line Code A list of codes to be assigned to the Platform Edge Feature Line link Comma-separated string PlatformEdge
Platform Height Above Top of Rail Adjusts the elevation of the platform above the Top of Rail (Origin Point of Subassembly) Numeric

0.2 ft

0.6096 m

Target Parameters

Parameter Description Status
OffsetFromCL Offset From Rail Centerline Optional
PlatformElevation Height Above Rail Optional

Runtime Logical Assignments


Output Parameters



This subassembly provides a rail platform that attaches to a rail alignment. Place the platform subassembly insertion point on the centerline alignment and profile of the rail and adjust the behavior by setting the input parameters and optional target parameters listed above.

Layout Mode Operation

In layout mode, this subassembly draws the rail platform.

Point, Link, and Shape Codes

The following table lists the point, link, and shape codes for this subassembly that have codes assigned to them. Point, link, or shape codes for this subassembly that do not have codes assigned are not included in this table.

Point, Link, or Shape



P1 WallBottomLeft Wall Bottom Left
P2 WallTopLeft Wall Top Left
P3 WallTopRight Wall Top Right
P4 WallBottomRight Wall Bottom Right
P5 PlinthBottomLeft Plinth Bottom Left
P6 PlinthTopLeft Plinth Top Left
P7 PlinthTopRight Plinth Top Right
P8 ConcreteUnitsTopLeft Concrete Units Top Left
P9 ConcreteUnitsTopRight Concrete Units Top Right
P10 SandBedTopLeft Sand Bed Top Left
P11 SandBedTopRight Sand Bed Top Right
P12-P13 PlatformEdge Platform Edge
P14 PlatformEdgeBottom Platform Edge Bottom
P15 Top, FootwayRightEdge Footway Right Edge
P16 FoundationRightEdge Foundation Right Edge
P17 FoundationBottomRight Foundation Bottom Right
P18 FoundationBottomLeft Foundation Bottom Left
P19 FoundationEdgeLeft Foundation Edge Left
P20 PlinthBottomRight Plinth Bottom Right
P21 SandBlindingRightTop Sand Blinding Right Top
P22 SandBlindingRightBottom Sand Blinding Right Bottom
P23 SandBlindingLeftBottom Sand Blinding Left Bottom
P24 FoundationBackTopLeft Foundation Back Top Left
P25 FoundationBackTopRight Foundation Back Top Right
L1 WallLinkSide Wall Link Side
L2 WallLinkTop Wall Link Top
L3 WallLinkSide Wall Link Side
L4 WallLinkBottom Wall Link Bottom
L5 ConcretePlinthLink Concrete Plinth Link
L6 ConcretePlinthLinkTop Concrete Plinth Link Top
L7 ConcretePlinthLink Concrete Plinth Link
L8 ConcretePlinthLinkBottom Concrete Plinth Link Bottom
L9 ConcreteUnitLink Concrete Unit Link
L10 ConcreteUnitLinkTop Concrete Unit Link Top
L11 ConcreteUnitLink Concrete Unit Link
L12 ConcreteUnitLinkBottom Concrete Unit Link Bottom
L13 SandBedBottomLeft Sand Bed Bottom Left
L14 SandBedLinkTop Sand Bed Link Top
L15 SandBedBottomRight Sand Bed Bottom Right
L16 SandBedLinkBottom Sand Bed Link Bottom
L17 ConcreteFlagLink Concrete Flag Link
L18 ConcreteFlagLink, Top ConcreteFlagLink, Top
L19-L20 ConcreteFlagLink Concrete Flag Link
L21 Footway, Top Footway
L22 FootwayLink Footway Link
L23 FootwayLinkBottom Footway Link Bottom
L24 FootwayLink Footway Link
L25-L28 FoundationLink Foundation Link
L29 SandBlindingTop Sand Blinding Top
L30, L32 SandBlinding Sand Blinding
L31 SandBlindingBottom Sand Blinding Bottom
L33, L35 FoundationBack Foundation Back
L34 FoundationBackTop Foundation Back Top
L36 FoundationBackBottom Foundation Back Bottom
S1 Wall Wall
S2 ConcretePlinth Concrete Plinth
S3 ConcreteUnits Concrete Units
S4 SandBed Sand Bed
S5 ConcreteFlag Concrete Flag
S6 Footway Footway
S7 Foundation Foundation
S8 SandBlinding Sand Blinding
S9 FoundationBack Foundation Back

Coding Diagrams