
This subassembly is similar to the DaylightBasin subassembly with the following additional behaviors:

The berm is optional in fill conditions. If no berm is included, a clear zone slope is added, and then a daylight fill slope is added.

The Ditch Width can be controlled by using an optional alignment. Berm Width and Height can be controlled by using an alignment and a profile respectively. In addition, the Place Lined Material needs to include all links of the daylight assemblies from the hinge point out to the daylight to existing ground.


The attachment point is at the inside edge of the basin foreslope. This component can be attached to either the left or right side.

Input Parameters

Note: All dimensions are in meters or feet unless otherwise noted. All slopes are in run-over-rise form (for example, 4 : 1) unless indicated as a percent slope with a “%” sign.

Parameter Description Type Default
Side Specifies which side to place the subassembly Left / Right Right
Daylight Link Includes or omits the Daylight link Include / Omit Include
Berm Includes or Omits Berm in fill Include / Omit Omit
Foreslope Slope The slope for the basin foreslope link Numeric, positive 3 ( : 1)
Foreslope Width The width of the foreslope Numeric, positive

1.2 m

4.0 ft

Basin Depth The depth of the bottom of the basin from the bottom of the foreslope link Numeric, positive 0.0
Basin Slope The slope of the sides of the basin Numeric, positive 4 (:1)
Basin Width Width of the basin Numeric, positive

1.8 m

6.0 ft

Berm Width Width of the berm used in fill conditions Numeric, positive

1.8 m

6.0 ft

Cut Slope The slope of the daylight link in cut conditions Numeric, positive 3 ( : 1)
Clear Zone Width Width of the clear zone before Fill link is added Numeric, positive

6 m

20 ft

Clear Zone Slope Slope for the clear zone Numeric, positive 6 (:1)
Fill Slope Slope of the daylight link in fill conditions Numeric, positive 3 ( : 1)
Rounding Option Specifies whether to round off the daylight link at the catch point List of options: None, Circular, Parabolic None
Rounding By Specifies the parameter that is used for rounding List of options: Length, Radius Length
Rounding Parameter Specifies value for length of radius Numeric, positive

0.5 m

1.5 ft

Rounding Tessellation Specifies number of intermittent points on rounding links (Max 10 links) Numeric, positive integer 6
Place Lined Material Specifies to place optional material lining along daylight links. You can choose All Links, Daylight Links, Fill Links Only, and None. String None
Slope Limit 1 Specifies the slope limit until which the associated material lining is placed Slope 1 : 1
Material 1 Thickness Specifies the thickness of lined material. This thickness is measured perpendicular to the link. Numeric, positive 12 inches
Material 1 Name Specifies the name of the material applies for lining along grading links String Rip Rap
Slope Limit 2 Specifies the slope limit until which the associated material lining is placed Slope 2 : 1
Material 2 Thickness Specifies the thickness of the lined material. This thickness is measured perpendicular to the link. Numeric, positive 6 inches
Material 2 Name Specifies the name of the material applied for lining along grading links String Rip Rap
Slope Limit 3 Specifies the slope limit until which the associated material lining is placed Slope 4 : 1
Material 3 Thickness Specifies the thickness of the lined material. This thickness is measured perpendicular to the link. Numeric, positive 4 inches
Material 3 Name Specifies the name of the material applied for lining along grading links String Seeded Grass
Material 4 Thickness Specifies thickness of the material to be applied in flat slope situations Numeric, positive 6 inches
Material 4 Name Specifies the material name to be used in flat slope situations String Gravel

Target Parameters

This section lists the parameters in this subassembly that can be mapped to one or more target objects, such as a surface, alignment, or profile object in a drawing. For more information, see To Specify Corridor Targets.

Parameter Description Status
Basin Width Alignment May be used to override the fixed Basin Width The following object types can be used as targets for specifying this: alignments, polylines, feature lines, or survey figures. Optional
Berm Width Alignment May be used to override the fixed Berm Width. The following object types can be used as targets for specifying this: alignments, polylines, feature lines, or survey figures. Optional
Basin Elevation May be used to override the fixed Basin Depth and tie the elevation of the basin to a profile. The following object types can be used as targets for specifying this elevation: profiles, 3D polylines, feature lines, or survey figures. Optional
Berm Height Profile Allows the height of the berm to be overridden. The following object types can be used as targets for specifying this height: profiles, 3D polylines, feature lines, or survey figures. Optional
Daylight Surface Name of the daylighting surface. The following object types can be used as targets for specifying this surface: surfaces. Required

Output Parameters



This subassembly builds the links for the basin foreslope and the basin out to the basin test point. If a profile is given, the width of the foreslope varies to hold to the basin profile. If the basin test point is in cut, the daylight intercept is calculated on the target surface at the given cut slope.

If it is in fill, and Berm is set to Include, a top-of-berm link is added, and the daylight intercept is calculated on the target surface at the given Fill Slope. The daylight link is not inserted if Omit Daylight Link is set to True. If the top-of-berm link intersects the target surface, the section is terminated at the intersection.

If it is in fill, and Berm is set to Omit, a link is added from the attachment point at the Clear Zone Slope until the Clear Zone Width is met. Then a daylight link is added to the target surface at the fill slope specified. If the clear zone link intersects existing ground, it will stop at this intersection point.

Like other daylight subassemblies, this subassembly optionally lets you add a lined material. You can specify three ranges of slopes. Material type 1 is applied if the slope of the links is up to the specified slope value. From slope 1 to slope 2, the second type of material is applied. Similarly, if the slopes of links fall within slope 2 and slope 3 values, then material 3 is applied. If the link slopes are flatter than slope limit 3, then no material is applied.

If a lined material is added to the subassembly, then parallel links are added to the daylight links with specified thickness. This thickness parameter (for example, Material 1 Thickness) is measured perpendicular to the link. Bottom level links are coded with Datum, and daylight links are coded with Top. Shapes enclosed by these materials are coded with material name (Material 1 Name, Material 2 Name, or Material 3 Name).


In Autodesk Civil 3D 2010 and previous versions, the Material Thickness parameter was measured vertically. In Autodesk Civil 3D 2011 and later, this parameter is measured perpendicular to the link. Therefore, if you open a drawing containing these subassemblies that was created in Autodesk Civil 3D 2010 or prior in Autodesk Civil 3D 2011 or later, and then rebuild the corridor(s), this parameter will be changed to reflect the new behavior. Any volume reports that use this subassembly will be updated to reflect the new behavior.

Layout Mode Operation

In layout mode, this subassembly draws the foreslope, basin side slopes, and basin bottom with the given input parameter values. Both the cut and fill condition links are shown in dashed lines, with the daylight links extended outward, for a width of 3 meters (or 10 feet) at the given slopes. The daylight links terminate in arrowheads pointing outwards.

Point, Link, and Shape Codes

The following table lists the point, link, and shape codes for this subassembly that have codes assigned to them. Point, link, or shape codes for this subassembly that do not have codes assigned are not included in this table.

Point, Link, or Shape Codes Description
P3 Ditch_In Inside bottom of the basin
P4 Ditch_Out Outside bottom of the basin
P5 Hinge, Hinge_Cut Hinge point for the cut condition
P6 Hinge, Hinge_Fill Hinge point for the fill condition
P7 Daylight, Daylight_Cut or Daylight_Fill Daylight point, and daylight point for either the cut or fill condition
All links Top, Datum  
L6 Top, Datum, Daylight, Daylight_Cut Daylight link for the cut section
L3 Ditch  
L1, L2,L4 Slope_Link  
L5 Bench  
L6 Top, Datum, Daylight, Daylight_Fill Daylight link for the fill section

Coding Diagram