
The PipeTrenchMultipleLayers2 subassembly has a single pipe in a trench, a layer of material encasing the pipe, and an additional layer of material above the pipe encasement.

This subassembly allows volume calculation of bedding base, pipe zone, and granular backfill. The pipe is encased in a layer of material right above the bedding. The center of pipe is the design profile. The depth of topmost layer of the trench will vary; the other pipe trench layers are constant depths. All of the depths, widths and diameters will change from trench to trench. The depth of the trench will vary along the alignment since it is measure from the bottom of the trench to the target surface.


By default, the attachment point is the center of the pipe.

Input Parameters

Note: All dimensions are in meters or feet unless otherwise noted. All slopes are in run-over-rise form (for example, 4 : 1) unless indicated as a percent slope with a “%” sign.





Bottom Width Specifies width of the pipe trench. Numeric, positive

3 ft

1 m

Pipe Cover Cover of the pipe. Numeric, positive

0.5 ft

0.15 m

Pipe Diameter Pipe diameter. Numeric, positive

0.667 ft

0.2 m

Bedding Depth Depth of the pipe bedding under the pipe invert. Numeric, positive

0.75 ft

0.2 m

Pipe Encasement Material Depth Depth of pipe bedding over the pipe invert. Numeric, positive

1.5 ft

0.45 m

Surface Slope X : 1 slope of the trench side slopes. Numeric, positive

1 (: 1)

Top Material Depth Depth of the bedding over the pipe bedding. Numeric, positive

3 ft

1 m

Target Parameters

This section lists the parameters in this subassembly that can be mapped to one or more target objects. For more information, see To Specify Corridor Targets.




Daylight Surface Name of the daylighting surface. The following object types can be used as targets for specifying the surface: surfaces. Required

Runtime Logical Assignments


Output Parameters



The elevation of the bottom of the trench is calculated as the profile grade line elevation minus half the pipe diameter plus the bedding depth. The horizontal trench bottom link is placed symmetrically about the attachment point offset at that elevation. The pipe encasement material depth is used to provide for material around the pipe. Above the pipe encasement material is Material2 to provide material above the pipe. The side slopes are extended upward to the existing surface. The horizontal bedding link is placed at the given depth above the trench bottom.

Layout Mode Operation

In layout mode, this subassembly draws a trench.

Point, Link, and Shape Codes

The following table lists the point, link, and shape codes for this subassembly that have codes assigned to them. Point, link, or shape codes for this subassembly that do not have codes assigned are not included in this table.

Point, Link, or Shape



P1 PipeBottom Bottom of pipe
P2 Datum, BeddingBottomCenter Center of bedding bottom
P3 PipeBackfillBottom_In Inside pipe backfill bottom
P4 PipeBeddingBottom_In Inside pipe bedding bottom
P6 Datum, PipeBeddingBottom_Out Outside pipe bedding bottom
P7 PipeBackfillBottom_Out Outside pipe backfill bottom
P11, P13 Pipe
P12 PipeTop Top of pipe
P14 PipeCenter Center of pipe
P15 BottomMaterial2_In Inside Material2 bottom
P16 BottomMaterial2_Out Outside Material2 bottom
P17 BottomMaterial1_In Inside Material 1 bottom
P18 BottomMaterial1_Out Outside Material1 bottom
P19 Top, TrenchInner Inner trench
P20 Top, TrenchOuter Outer trench
L1 PipeBackfillBottom Pipe backfill bottom
L2, L4 PipeBedding Pipe bedding
L3 Datum, PipeBeddingBottom Bottom of bedding
L5 PipeBackfillBottom Bottom of backfill
L6 - L7 Pipe
L8 PipeBackfillMaterial_In Inside pipe backfill material
L9 PipeBackfillMaterial_Out Outside pipe backfill material
L10 BottomMaterial2 Bottom of Material2
L11 TrenchMaterial2_In Inside trench Material2
L12 TrenchMaterial2_Out Outside trench Material2
L13 BottomMaterial1 Bottom of Material1
L14 TrenchSlopeMaterial1_In Inside trench slope Material1
L15 TrenchSlopeMaterial2_Out Outside trench slope Material1
L16 Top, TrenchWidth Trench width
S1 PipeBedding Pipe bedding
S2 PipeBackfillMaterial Pipe backfill material
S3 TrenchMaterial2 Trench Material2
S4 TrenchMaterial1 Trench Material1

Coding Diagram