About Copying a Profile

Copy a layout profile or a static surface profile. Use the copy to create a profile or replace an existing one.

Profile copying operations allow you to create a profile that is based on another. For example, you can create an offset profile for a road edge or ditch that is a specific elevation below the road centerline. In this case, you can copy the centerline profile, then change the elevation of the copy to create the offset profile.

After copying a profile, you can raise or lower the copy to create an initial line for a related profile. For example, to place a ditch five feet lower than a centerline, copy the centerline profile and lower the copy five feet to create a ditch profile.

Tutorial Exercise: Copying a Profile and Offsetting it Vertically

Troubleshooting a Copied Profile

When you try copying a profile, you may receive the following error message:

Station xx+xx: Either outside of alignment limits, or within gap created by a station equation.

To resolve this issue, create a profile that extends beyond the station limits of the defined parent alignment. You will not be able to copy a selected station range of PVIs if you select a start or end station that is outside the limits of the parent horizontal alignment. Instead, copy the entire profile and then remove the unwanted PVIs manually.