Sample Line Data Tab (Sample Line Properties Dialog Box)

Use this tab to display properties for the sample line and to edit properties about the lock method and label style.

Group Name

Displays the name of the parent sample line group for the current sample line.


Displays the name of the parent horizontal alignment for the current sample line.

Sample Line Number

Displays the assigned sample line number of the currently selected sample line.

Note: This is a sequential number of the sample line among all sample lines sorted by station value.

Displays the station at which the sample line intersects with the parent alignment.

Lock To The Station

Locks the sample line to the station:

  • Selected: If the parent alignment geometry is updated so that the current station value is at a different XY, then the sample line moves to that location. The sample line maintains its relative position to the alignment (that is, it “slides” to the new location.
  • Cleared: If the parent alignment is modified, the sample line remains in its location. The sample line maintains its geometry and recomputes the updated station where it intersects the alignment. Subsequently, if the check box is (re-)selected, the sample line is locked to the current station.