Create Reports - Map Check Report

Use this dialog box to select the parcels or survey figures to include in a map check report. This report displays the directions and distances, start and end coordinates, curve data, perimeter, and area, and calculates the error of closure.

List of Objects


Select this option to report on parcels in the drawing. When you select this option, the parcels in the current drawing are listed in the table below.

Survey Figures

Select this option to report on survey figures.

Note: The Survey database in the drawing must be open to report on figures.

Select the individual parcels or figures to include in the report by selecting the check boxes. Use this option to select an individual parcel to change the Point of Beginning (see below).

Select All

Selects all parcels or figures for the report.

Deselect All

Clears the current selection of parcels or figures.


Note: All options in the Analysis section are available for parcel reports only and are unavailable if you select the Survey Figures option.
Point Of Beginning

If only one parcel is selected in the list above, its Point of Beginning X,Y values are displayed here. You can click the icon to specify a different point of beginning to use in the report.

Note: The Point of Beginning (POB) X,Y values are not displayed if more than one parcel is selected in the list above. If you change the POB for one parcel, the change is not saved if you select another parcel in the list. Changes are not saved to the parcel in the drawing.
Process Segment Order Counterclockwise
  • Selected: Segments are processed in counter-clockwise order.
  • Cleared: Segments are processed in clockwise order.
Enable Mapcheck Across Chord
  • Selected: The mapcheck traverse is calculated for curve segments using their chord length.
  • Cleared: The mapcheck traverse is calculated for curve segments using their curve length.
Truncate Area (Square Unit)
  • Selected: The area values output are limited to the specified number of decimal places in the Parcel Area Precision settings without rounding. For example, if the area of a parcel is 43,559.989 square feet and the Area precision is set to 2, then the value will be truncated to 43,559. 98 (it will not be rounded up).
  • Cleared: The area values output are rounded based on the Parcel Area Rounding settings.


Parcel Settings

Displays read-only settings for parcels, as specified in the Parcel settings.

Figure Settings

Displays read-only settings for survey figures, as specified in the Survey settings.

Report Settings

Save Report To

Specifies the name and location of the resulting report.