About Intersection Styles and Display

Intersection object display style is controlled both by a specific intersection object style, and the styles and labels associated with the objects used to create the intersection, such as the intersecting alignments.

The intersection style controls the appearance of the intersection object marker. You can change the marker, as well as display parameters such as visibility, layer, and color used in plan and model views.

Access intersection styles using these methods:

If you want to access intersection styles...


From the ribbon Select an intersection Intersection tabModify panelIntersection PropertiesEdit Intersection Style Find

In the drawing

Right-click an intersection Edit Intersection Style.

On the Settings tab in Toolspace

Right-click a style in the Intersection Styles folder Edit.

Other components associated with an intersection, such as offset alignments, curb return alignments, and profiles, each have their own object style to control their appearance.

Similarly, when you have corridor objects associated with the intersection, various components within the corridor are controlled by their own display styles and labels.

To set default styles for components that are created through the intersection creation command, use the default styles collection in command settings.

The following table lists the components of the intersection and where they derive their styles from.

Intersection Component

Display Style


Main and secondary road alignments Alignment style Defined in the existing alignment style
Offset alignments Offset alignment style Defined in the Create Intersection command settings
Curb returns Curb return alignment style Defined in the Create Intersection command settings
Offset profile Curb return alignment style Defined in the Create Intersection command settings
Curb return profile Curb return alignment style Defined in the Create Intersection command settings