About Parcel Labels and Tables

Both parcel labels and tables display parcel information.

Labels display information within the parcel or adjacent to the component they describe. Tables are constructed with one row for each parcel or component.

Parcels always have area selection labels. Segment labels are optional. You can label parcel segments when you create them or at any time afterward.

Styles control the appearance of labels and tables and the information they contain.

Using Labels and Tables

Display parcel information in labels only, or in both labels and tables. Parcel tables are optional, but useful for organizing data when you work with a large number of parcels.

Parcel line, curve, and area labels that are added to already created parcels are now individual objects, not sub-objects of the parcel. These parcel labels can be controlled with the AutoCAD Properties palette. The first area label that is automatically created when the parcel is created is a sub-entity of the parcel and is used to select the parcel. This parcel selection label cannot be deleted.

If you want to use parcel tables, all parcels and segments to be included in a table require a label that displays a unique table tag. This tag serves as a unique identifier for the object in the drawing and in the table. The label can include additional information, but the tag is essential.

General line and curve label styles can be applied to parcel segment labels. As a result, when creating parcel tables, you can select general line/curve label types and/or parcel segment labels. You can select any parcel segment labels that use line/curve styles. Or you can use any line or curve label that is applied to a line, curve, feature line, or polyline segment.