Use this tab to enter basic information about the alignment, including site, style, layer, and label set.
Specifies the name of the alignment. Each alignment must have a unique name.
Specifies the type of alignment you are creating: centerline, offset, curb return, rail, or miscellaneous. You can use these alignment types to categorize your data based on alignment function. For example, select the centerline type for a road centerline, the rail type for a railway, or the miscellaneous type for other uses, such as a utility conduit.
Specifies an optional description of the alignment.
Specifies the station value that is assigned to the beginning of the first alignment entity created.
Specifies a site for the alignment. Select a site from the
Site list, or click
to either create a site or select one from an object in the drawing. The alignment and the object you select in the drawing are associated with the same site.
Displays the current style. Click the arrow to select another alignment style in the drawing.
Specifies the style options. Create a style, copy or edit the current style selection, or pick a style from drawing.
Opens the Style Detail dialog box. Preview the style and creation information.
Displays the layer on which the alignment object is created.
Opens the Object Layer dialog box, in which you can select or create a layer on which the alignment is drawn.
Displays the default alignment label set. You can either accept the default label set, or use the list to select a different one from the drawing.
Edits or copies the current label set, or creates a label set. The Style Detail icon previews the current style.
Opens the Style Detail dialog box. Preview the label set and creation information.