About Adding Spiral-Curve-Spiral Groups to Alignments

Add a free spiral-curve-spiral group between two entities.

The type of spirals created (simple vs. compound) depends on the types of entities you attach it to. When the attachment entities (1, 2) are edited, the spiral lengths (3, 4) and curve radius (5) do not change. The attachment points and the curve length adjust to accommodate edits to the attachment entities.

The Spiral-Curve-Spiral command is similar to the command that adds a free curve by radius between two entities. However, this command adds a transition spiral in and a transition spiral out. The curve group for this command is the same as the automatic curve group that is created when you use the Tangent-Tangent command. However, with this command you can create an SCS curve group between curves.

You cannot grip edit the spiral-curve-spiral curve group, but you can edit the entities to which the SCS group is attached. Make edits to the spiral or curve parameters in the Alignment Layout Parameters window or the Alignment Entities vista.

SCS curve group between two tangents

An SCS curve group placed between two tangents creates two simple spirals.

SCS curve group between a curve and a tangent

An SCS curve group placed between a tangent and a curve results in the simple spiral attached to the tangent and a compound spiral attached to the curve.

SCS curve group between two curves

An SCS curve group placed between two curves creates two compound spirals. The SCS curve group should only be placed in a configuration where the attachment to either curve forms a compound curve-curve situation.