To Edit Superelevation Data in the Tabular Editor

  1. Click an alignment in the drawing.
  2. Click Alignment tabModify panelSuperelevation drop-downView Tabular Editor Find.
  3. In the Superelevation Tabular Editor, in the Superelevation Curve column, click to expand the tree view. The transition regions and superelevation parameters are displayed.
  4. Add a critical station by clicking the or right-click an item in the tree view Add Station.
  5. The Superelevation Tabular Editor temporarily closes and you are prompted to pick a station on the alignment.

    The Manual Station field is added.

  6. Right-click the Manual StationAssign Critical Station and select the parameter from the list or enter a station name.
Note: In situations where an overlap occurs, a warning symbol is displayed in the Overlap column. Click for options to automatically resolve the overlap or ignore the overlap.