Geometry Details Page (Create Intersection Wizard)

Use this page of the wizard to specify a variety of details about the geometry of the intersection object.

Intersecting Alignments

Use this section to view information on the alignments included in this intersection. You can view the alignment name, priority, the station where the intersection occurs, and the profile associated with the alignment. If other profiles exist, you can select a different profile from the drop-down list.


The priority determines how profile locking occurs for the profiles associated with the intersection. You can change the priority of an alignment (road) during intersection creation by selecting an alignment in this list and using the arrows. It is important to note that when you do this, the associated profiles may change. Once an intersection object is created, you cannot change the value of the priority property.

Offset and Curb Returns

Specifies information on the alignment offsets and curb returns for this intersection.

Create Or Specify Offset Alignments

When this option is selected, offset alignments will be created for the intersection. If you do not want offset alignments included in the intersection, remove the check mark from this option. If you do not select an existing alignment from the current drawing, then a new offset alignment object is created. To select an existing offset alignment from the drawing, click the Offset Parameters button, set Use An Existing Alignment to Yes, then select the alignment by clicking next to the Alignment Name field.

Offset Parameters

Before deciding to create offset alignments, you can view or edit the parameters that will be used for creating the offset alignments by clicking the Offset Parameters button. This displays the Intersection Offset Parameters dialog box which lets you specify an existing alignment to use, or create a new one according to the offset value you specify.

Create Curb Return Alignments

When this option is selected, curb return alignments will be created for the intersection. If you do not want curb return alignments included in the intersection, remove the check mark from this option.

Curb Return Parameters

Before deciding to create curb returns, you can view or edit the parameters that will be used for creating the curb returns by clicking the Curb Return Parameters button. This displays the Intersection Curb Return Parameters dialog box, which lets you specify the curb return type (chamfer, circular fillet, or 3-centered arcs), and other details, such as radius for the curb return.

Offset and Curb Return Profiles

These options let you create offset and curb return profiles for this intersection. If the intersecting alignments do not have profiles associated with them, these options are not available.

Create Offset and Curb Return Profiles

Selecting this option creates offset and curb return profiles for this intersection. This option is not available when the intersecting alignments selected for this intersection do not have profiles associated with them.

Lane Slope Parameters

Clicking this button displays the Intersection Lane Slope Parameters dialog box where you can view or edit the lane slopes for the roads included in the intersection object. This option is not available when the intersecting alignments selected for this intersection do not have profiles associated with them.

Curb Return Profile Parameters

Clicking this button displays the Intersection Curb Return Profile Parameters dialog box where you can view or edit the parameters for the curb return profile included in the intersection object. This option is not available when the intersecting alignments selected for this intersection do not have profiles associated with them.

On this dialog box, you can click Back to return to previous wizard dialog boxes, Next to move to the next wizard dialog box, Create Intersection to create the intersection using the currently selected setting, or Cancel to cancel creating the intersection.