Display Tab (Corridor Style Dialog Box)

Use this tab to change the display and visibility of some corridor object components.

The corridor components controlled by the corridor style include:

Region Boundaries: A closed polyline entity that shows the extents of a corridor region. It follows the outermost feature line on either side of the baseline for the region, from the region start station to the region end station.

Assembly Insertion Stations: Stations where an assembly is inserted to create the corridor model geometry. A line segment that is drawn between the outermost design points on the left and right sides at the baseline alignment station where an assembly is inserted.

Parametric Override Stations: Stations where the design parameters of a subassembly have been numerically edited without changing the default values for the subassembly.

Geometric Override Stations: Stations where the design parameters of a subassembly have been manually edited using grips without changing the default values for the subassembly.

For more information, see Display Tab (Style Dialog Box).