To Match Elevations of Connected Pipes

When multiple pipes enter and exit a structure, you may need to set pipe in and pipe out elevations to consistent, matching values. You can also add a drop value that lets you adjust that elevation value between incoming and outgoing pipes.

Tutorial Exercise: Editing Pipe Network Parts in a Profile View

  1. In the drawing, right-click the structure, select Structure Properties, and then click the Connected Pipes tab.
  2. Press and hold the CTRL key on your keyboard and select more than one of the pipes displaying on the Connected Pipes tab.
    Note: You must select multiple pipes for the match crown, centerline, and invert options to display on the right-click context menu.
  3. While still holding down the CTRL key, right-click and select one of the following options from the context menu.
    • Match crowns
    • Match centerlines
    • Match inverts
  4. On the Match Elevation dialog box, click the pipe you want to match crown, centerline, or invert elevations to.
  5. Optionally, enter a Drop Amount to adjust the elevation by the specified value.
  6. Click OK to make the changes and close the Match Elevation dialog box.
  7. On the Connected Pipes tab, verify that the selected elevation value has been edited.
  8. Click Apply to make the changes, or click OK to make the changes and close the Structure Properties dialog box.