Project Explorer and Grading Optimization provide new functionality to AEC Collection and Enterprise customers.
Project Explorer and Grading Optimization can be downloaded and installed in the following ways:
Project Explorer
New in 2022.1
Project Explorer for Civil 3D 2022.1 Update has been enhanced with new tools to support the creation, editing, and reporting of railway designs. This update also contains enhancements to make tables and reports more customizable.
- Added rail industry alignment enhancements:
- Added the Cant Curves tab for alignments with SuperelevationType = Cant.
- Added Cant properties to the Alignment Calculated Stations list.
- Added the Track Width data column to the Alignments list.
- Added the Design Speed data columns to the Alignment Entities list.
- Added the Design Speed data column to the Alignment PIs list.
- Added the Design Speed data columns to the Profile Entities list.
- Added the Design Speed data column to the Profile PVIs list.
- Added a Cant Gradient Format option to the Layout Style definition.
- Added alignment report support for cant curves.
- Added enhanced support for tables:
- Added better support for multiple fonts and text styles within the same table and report.
- Added multiple line support for title and header rows in tables and reports.
- Added support for grouped column headers in tables and reports.
- Added support for scaling the application icons in a 4K display environment.
- Added an extra field to the Alignment PIs list to provide a new PI station value which is calculated perpendicular to the alignment.
New in 2022
- Support has been added for pressure networks in
Project Explorer:
- Support has been added for feature lines in the <None> site (siteless feature lines).
- Project Explorer is now launched from the Home tab of the
Civil 3D ribbon.
- Project Explorer is now available in all languages currently supported by
Civil 3D. The assigned language for
Project Explorer is determined by the regional language settings in Windows.
Grading Optimization
Grading Optimization is a new preliminary terrain optimization tool for site designers. It uses design data and automates otherwise repetitive manual grading tasks according to customized object constraints.
Available objects include:
- zones
- drain lines
- low points
- building pads and reveals
- curbs
- sidewalks
- paths
- parking lots
- ponds
Once these objects are defined with their project relate constraints, Grading Optimization delivers an optimized terrain surface and 3D geometry back into the design tool for further detailed design.