Connected lines

Connected lines creates a series of finite lines from a series of points. The end point of one line becomes the start point of the next. To create the line:

  1. Select Construct tab > Geometry panel > Line > Connected to enter line-creation mode.
  2. Pick or enter the location of the first point.
  3. If you want to explicitly locate the next point, pick or enter the location of the second point.
  4. If you want to enter an angle and length (from which the next point is derived):
    • Enter the angle in degrees in the A field. The angle is specified counter-clockwise from the direction of the X axis.
    • Enter the length in the L field.
  5. Press the Enter key or click the Create button.
  6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 to create more lines.
  7. When you have finished creating connected lines, exit line mode.