Add Tool Location wizard

Use the Add Tool Location wizard to create tool locations.

Add Tool Location page

Select Existing UCS — Select the UCS that represents the location where the top of the spindle is held in the tool post or gang.

Type — Select the type of tool that is held at this tool location.

To create a tool post, the solid must have a Local Coordinate System, and you can create multiple tool locations rotated around the LCS origin and the Z axis.

Mounting type — Specify the mounting type.

Repeats — Specify how many tool locations to create.

Click Next to display the Each new location page.

Each new location page

Use the Each new location page of the Add Tool Location wizard to specify the details of the tool locations.

Tool location(s) can hold — Select the tool types that can be held by the tool location.

Can address — Select which spindles the tool can machine with.

Simulation C angle offset — This is the angle between the tool post and the X axis. This is usually 0 for an upper tool post and 180 for a lower tool post.

Begin tool slot — Specify the tool slot number. When creating multiple tool locations, they are numbered sequentially starting on this number.

Delta tool slot — Specify the numerical increment between tool slots. For example, a Delta tool slot of 2 results in T1, T3, T5....

Show tool block — Select this option to simulate the tool block in this tool location.

Show milling holder — Select this option to simulate milling tool holders in this tool location. You can deselect this to hide the tool holder when the insert is held directly without a tool holder.

Show turning holder — Select this option to simulate turning tool holders in this tool location. You can deselect this to hide the tool holder when the insert is held directly without a tool holder.

Reverse rotary tool spindle direction of the first tool location added — Specify whether the spindle direction of the first tool location is reversed. When adding multiple tool locations, selecting this option reverses all tool locations, unless Toggle the reverse sense is selected.

Toggle the reverse sense (spindle direction) of every other tool location — When creating multiple tool locations, select this option to alternate between reverse and normal spindle direction.

Has ATC — Select this option if the machine has an automatic tool changer. This enables you to use a single tool location and tool slot with multiple tools.