Face Mill

Face Mill tools are used for facing features.

Name — Enter a name that identifies the tool. The name must be unique among all the tools in the crib.

Measure — This indicates the units that are used for reporting the tool’s dimensions. Select Inches for inch units or deselect it for millimeters.

Diameter — See diagram.

Height — See diagram. If you selected Chamfer as the corner type, ensure that the Height is >= (Diameter - Effective diameter)/2.

Corner — Select either Round or Chamfer (45) as the corner type.

You can use a Face Mill with a Chamfer to cut a Chamfer feature to reduce the number of tools used to cut a part.

Effective diameter — See diagram. If you selected Chamfer as the corner type, enter an Effective diameter greater than 0. The Effective diameter must not be less than Diameter - 2*Height and must not be greater than Diameter.

Corner Radius — See diagram.

Exposed length — This is the amount of the tool that sticks out of the holder if the holder is simulated.

Tool material — This indicates what the tool is made of. This information is important when calculating the feeds and speeds.

Hand — Set whether the tool is Right-handed or Left-handed.





Corner Radius

Effective Diameter