Leads tab

The Leads tab of the Turning Feature Properties dialog applies to the finish pass of a Turn feature:


Select the type of lead-in from:

Arc in — Select this option to use an arc ramp-in move and enter the Arc-in angle and Arc in/out radius.

Linear in — Select this option to use a linear lead-in move and enter the Engage angle/Lead-in angle and the Lead distance.

Engage angle — This attribute is available for Linear in if TNR comp is off for the finish pass.

Lead-in angle — Enter the angle at which the tool enters the stock for boundary moves. This attribute is available for the finish and semi-finish pass if TNR comp is on. For the rough pass it is available on the Turning tab.


Select the type of lead-out from:

Arc out — Select this option to use an arc ramp-out move and enter the Arc-out angle and Arc in/out radius.

Linear out — Select this option to use a linear lead-out move and enter the Withdraw angle/Lead-out angle and the Lead distance.

Withdraw angle — This attribute is available for Linear out if TNR comp is off for the finish pass.

Use clearance as finish withdraw length — When selected, the Clearance value is used as the approach and withdraw length for finishing moves. When deselected, you can enter a separate Withdraw length.

Lead-out angle — This attribute is available for Linear out if TNR comp is on. This is the angle for the lead-out move for semi-finishing and finishing of Turn and Bore features. It is measured clockwise. The Lead-out angle is measured away from the part. An angle of 0 exits along the direction of path. An angle of 90 exits perpendicular to the path.

Arc in/out radius — Enter the radius of the arc to use for arc-in and arc-out ramp moves.

Lead distance — Enter the distance for linear lead-in and lead-out moves.