
Join connects a series of curves and geometry objects into a single curve. If the end points are not in the same location, a straight line is drawn between them to create the curve. You can specify the order of the objects manually or allow FeatureCAM to calculate the path along them. You can only join whole curves and geometry objects, to connect segments see Chaining.

To use Join:

  1. Select Construct tab > Curves panel > From Curves > Join to display the Join Curves dialog.
  2. Optionally enter a curve name in the Name field, or leave the default name.
  3. Use one of the following methods to add the curves you want to join to the Objects list:
    • Select a curve in the Curve list and click the Add item from list button.
    • Select a curve in the graphics window or the Part View panel and click the Add item from list button.
    • Click the Pick curve or geometry button and select a curve in the graphics window.
  4. Select Show Preview to display a preview of the new curve in the graphics window.
  5. To change the order of the objects, click the Move item up and the Move item down buttons.
  6. To reverse the direction of an object, select it from the Object list and click the Reverse selected curve button.
  7. To remove an object from the Objects list, select it and click the Delete item button.
  8. Optionally select Connect start and end. This draws a straight line between the open end of the first curve and the open end of the last curve. A preview of this line is shown in the graphics window; ensure the line does not intersect the curve.
  9. Click OK.

The Tolerance is used in two ways:

When working with curves, FeatureCAM examines the last control point as compared to the first control point of the next object. Arcs are converted to curves and manipulated as curves. When comparing points, FeatureCAM uses a Manhattan distance.