Using Corner Blend

Corner Blend creates a blend surface between two surfaces.

To use Corner Blend:

  1. Select Construct tab > Surfaces panel > From N Surface > Corner Blend to display the Corner Blend dialog.
  2. Optionally enter a name in the Surface name field.
  3. Enter the number of surfaces you want to blend in the Surfaces field. This must be a number between 1 and 4.
  4. Select a surface from the Fillet 1 list, or click the Pick Surface button and select it in the graphics window.
  5. Select a curve from the Curve On Fillet 1 list, or click the Pick curve or geometry button and select it in the graphics window. Select **Automatic to use an automatically selected curve. See Restrictions on blend surfaces for further information.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for Fillet 2, Fillet 3 and Aux Srf.
  7. Enter a Tolerance. This determines the accuracy of the corner blend.
  8. If you want the fillets to be trimmed against the blended surface:
    1. Select Trim Fillets.
    2. Enter a tolerance in the Trim Tol field.
    3. Select Create new srf(s) to create a new surface or Modify existing srf(s) to modify the existing surfaces.
  9. Click Preview to display a preview of the surface in the graphics window.

    If the edges of the fillet are too coarse set the Tolerance to a smaller value.

  10. Click OK.