Tooling database

The tooling database defines the set of tools from which FeatureCAM selects tools to perform manufacturing operations. These tool sets are called cribs. FeatureCAM comes with two standard tool cribs, the Tools tool crib and the Basic tool crib. The Tools tool crib is a comprehensive tool crib that contains more tools than your shop probably owns. The Basic tool crib contains a smaller set of tools such as HSS endmills and standardly available drills. By default FeatureCAM is set to use the Basic tool crib. You should modify the cribs to reflect the tools your shop has. You can create a crib containing tools you commonly use, which can simplify setting up a part for machining.

The name of the active tool crib is displayed on the status bar. To change the current tool crib you are currently using, click the crib name on the status bar. A list of tool cribs is displayed that you can select from.

To create or modify a tool crib, you must have a part file open, then select Features & Manufacturing tab > Tools panel > Tool Manager to display the Tool Manager dialog.