Hole attribute table


Counter bore



Counter drill


CD Tapped

Angle refers to the included angle of the counter sink. This value helps select an appropriate countersink tool.

Back views the settings of the pattern object that contains the hole.

Bore depth refers to the depth of the counter bore.

Bore diameter refers to the diameter of the counter bore.

Chamfer sets the depth of a 45 chamfer at the top of the hole. If set to 0, no chamfer is cut.

Counter drill diameter sets the diameter of the counter drill.

Counter drill depth sets the depth of the counter drill.

Depth refers to the overall depth of the hole. It is measured from the top to the bottom of the hole and includes other parameter values such as the hole's Chamfer depth.

Diameter sets the finished diameter of the hole.

Location specifies location by coordinates. Click to select the point with the mouse.

Metric toggles TPI (Threads Per Inch) and pitch for metric threads.

Relative position indicates that the X, Y, and Z coordinates are relative to the current UCS. Otherwise, coordinates are relative to the World Coordinate System.

Sink diameter refers to the diameter of the counter sink of the hole.

The Tapered option is available on tapped holes. Select it and enter an Angle to specify a threaded tapered hole.

Thread depth sets how much of the hole is threaded.

TPI/Pitch sets the threads-per-inch or metric pitch of the hole's threads.

Thread diameter refers to the nominal diameter of the tap tool used to thread the hole. Underlying details such as selecting an under-sized drill for creating the initial hole are automatically computed.

Through is an option that controls the display of holes. For manufacturing it is only used for tapped holes.

XYZ Coordinates refer to the XYZ coordinate location of the top center of the hole. These values are relative to the World Coordinate System.