
The Polygon tool creates a curve in the shape of a regular polygon in the plane or parallel to the plane of the current UCS.

To create a polygonal curve:

  1. Select Construct tab > Curves panel > Other Methods > Polygons to display the Polygon dialog.
  2. Enter a Curve name.
  3. Enter the Number of sides in the polygon. For example, to create a regular hexagon, type 6.
  4. Enter the x and y coordinates of the Center point, or click and select the location in the graphics window.
  5. To fillet the corners, enter a Corner Radius.
  6. To rotate the rectangle counter-clockwise from the X axis, enter an Angle in degrees.
  7. By default the curve is created on the UCS plane. If you want to position the curve on a plane parallel to the UCS plane, enter an Elevation.
  8. Size the polygon using one of these methods:
    • In the Side length box, enter the length of the sides.
    • In the Center to side box, enter the perpendicular distance between the curve center and the sides.
    • In the Center to corner box, enter the distance between the curve center and the corners.
  9. To convert the curve into arcs and lines, select the Create as curves and lines check box.
  10. Click Preview to display the polygon in the graphics window.
  11. Click OK.