Combine Solids

Normally you work only on a single solid model. You start with a base and create additional design features that alter the shape of the solid. Sometimes it is convenient to work on two different solids separately and then combine them into a solid, for example combining an imported solid and a mold base.

Combine solids allows you to combine solids in three different ways.

A Difference B is A minus the portion of B that is inside of A.

A Union B is A plus the portion of B that is outside of A.

A Intersection B is the volume that is common to both A and B.

Initial solids

Square Difference Cube

Cube Difference Square

Cube Union Cylinder


Cylinder Union Cube

Cube Intersection cylinder


Cylinder Intersection Cube

To combine solids:

  1. Select Construct tab > Solids > Modifiers > Combine to display the Combine Solids dialog.
  2. Enter a New solid name.
  3. Select an Operation:
    • Difference — Subtract a solid from another solid. Solid2 is subtracted from Solid1.
    • Union — Add multiple solids together.
    • Intersection — Create a solid at the intersection of multiple solids.
  4. Add the solids you want to combine:
    • To add a solid by name, select it in the Solid list and click Add item from list .
    • To add solids graphically, click Pick solid and select the solids in the graphics window.
  5. Click Preview to preview the results.
  6. Click OK.