Extend Surface

Extend Surface adds a linear extension to the selected surface similar to extruding the boundary curve of the surface however far you set. The direction of the extend is the tangent direction at the boundary. The surface is defined with rows and columns as you select which boundary to extend.

Note: Extend surface removes all trim.

To use Extend Surface:

Note: The model must contain an existing surface.
  1. Select Construct tab > Surfaces panel > From 1 Surface > Extend to display the Extend Surface dialog.
  2. Select Create new surface(s) to create a new surface or Modify existing surface(s) to trim the selected surface.
  3. Optionally enter a name in the Surface name field. This field is available only if Create new surface(s) is selected.
  4. Select a surface from the Surface list, or click the Pick surface button and select it in the graphics window.
  5. To pick the side to extend, select an option or click the Pick curve on surface button and select it in the graphics window.
  6. Enter the extend distance in the Distance field.
  7. Click Preview to display a preview of the surface in the graphics window.
  8. Click OK.