Moving a tool database without exporting and importing

FeatureCAM can use either a local or a network database. This topic applies only to local databases.

You cannot move a local database between computers simply by transferring the database files. To move a local database between computers, export tools and materials from the source computer and import them on to the target computer.

Sometimes this is not possible due to hardware problems, or if you cannot export information from FeatureCAM, for example:

In this situation you can move the database manually.

To manually move a database between computers:

  1. Identify the location of the source database:

    The following points describe the database:

    • It is a folder with a lot of files in it.
    • If you have the 32-bit version of FeatureCAM, the folder is called DATABASE.

      If you have the 64-bit version of FeatureCAM, the folder is called DATABASEX64.

    • A FeatureCAM databases folder contain the following files:



      several .a1 files

    Problems which make it difficult to find the database:
    • If you have installed multiple copies of FeatureCAM, there are multiple databases.
    • The database is stored in different places on different versions of Windows.
    • The database is stored in different places on different versions of FeatureCAM.
    • The database may be stored in a different place or with a different name depending on the language of Windows or FeatureCAM.
    Use the following tips to distinguish between different databases:
    • You can compare time stamps to distinguish between an older database and a newer one.
    • You can compare file sizes to distinguish between a database that you have not used (such as from a trial download), and one you have used a lot.
  2. Identify the location of the target database:

    You need to identify the target database that you want to replace with your source database. You must have already installed FeatureCAM on the source computer with a local database.

    1. Use the information in step 1 to find the database on the target computer, and note the full pathname to the database folder, for example: C:\programdata\featurecam\featurecam188\database.
    2. From the target database folder, open object.idx in a text editor. It contains the folder name repeated many times.
    3. From the target database folder, open domain.nam in a text editor. It contains the folder name repeated many times.
  3. Create a copy of the source database in a neutral location:

    Copy the source database folder and all its contents (the domain.nam, object.idx, and .a1 files) to a neutral location.

    You will edit this copy of the database instead of the original. If you make a mistake you can start again by recopying the original folder.

  4. Edit the neutral copy of the database:
    1. In the neutral database folder, open object.idx in a text editor.
    2. Replace all instances of the source database pathname with the target folder pathname.

      For example, if the source database pathname is:


      and the target pathname is:


      Replace all instances of c:\foo\bar\featurecam\featurecam184\database with c:\programdata\featurecam\featurecam188\database.

    3. Repeat steps a and b for domain.num.
    4. Optionally repeat steps a and b for object.bak (this is a backup file).
    Warning: Be careful not to make any other accidental changes when editing the files.
    Warning: Do not edit .a1 files, they are binary and cannot be edited with a text editor.
  5. Delete all files in the target database folder.
    Note: Any tools or materials in the target database are deleted. If you want to keep them, export them before you delete the target database and import them later.
  6. Copy all files from the neutral database folder into the target database folder.

The next time you use FeatureCAM on the target computer, you can access the tools and materials you copied from the source database.