
Any numeric value in a dialog which has a blue label can be extracted from objects in the graphics window.

To use interrogation to extract a value from an object:

  1. Click a blue label to hide the dialog.
  2. Pick a point in the graphics window, use snapping modes to select the point you want.
  3. If another point is required, repeat step 2.

    When you have picked enough points for FeatureCAM to calculate the value for the field, the dialog is displayed, with the new value in the field.

Some values require one point to calculate, some require two:

Value type

Number of points required

How FeatureCAM uses the point(s)

Length or Width


Calculates the difference between either the X or Y coordinates of the points, depending on the type of dimension. If the dimension is shown vertically in the dialog, the Y coordinates are used. Horizontal dimensions use the X coordinates.



A line is created between the two points and the angle between that line and the Z axis is calculated.



The difference between the Z coordinates of the points is calculated.

X Y or Z


The X, Y or Z coordinate is extracted from the point.

Radius or Diameter


The radius or diameter of a circle can be extracted.

Alternatively, hold the Shift key and click a blue label to display the Pick Dimension dialog. When you click OK in the Pick dimension dialog, the value is automatically inserted into your dialog.