Inventor hole recognition

You can use the Inventor Hole Recognition page of the Import wizard to recognize holes in imported Autodesk Inventor parts, as shown in this example.

Inventor hole recognition is different from Feature Recognition because it uses additional data from the Inventor model, instead of using just the solid data. This enables you to recognize non-geometric information, such as threads for tapped holes.

Note: You must have Autodesk Inventor installed and licensed on your computer to use Inventor hole recognition.

Inventor hole recognition has this limitation:

To complete this page:

  1. To use Inventor hole recognition, select Use Inventor to extract information about the hole types and dimensions.
  2. Select Suppress recognized holes in the imported model to suppress the holes after they have been recognized. This removes the holes from the solid model so they are not recognized again if you use Feature Recognition.
  3. If you do not want to perform hole recognition using Inventor, select Use FeatureCAM to recognize holes later.
  4. Click Finish to close the wizard.
Note: It may take some time to start up Inventor and recognize the holes, so please be patient.