Modifying a Deformation Mesh

You define a 3D grid of vertices using lattices and cells to create a deformation mesh. You can divide the mesh into 1 to 100 lattices (to form the 3D grid of vertices), and each lattice can be divided by 1 to 3 cells. Increase the number of cells and lattices to deform specific areas of the object.

Note: You can only change the number of cells or lattices before you modify the parameters of the mesh. If you modify a parameter, for example, translate a tangent, you cannot change the number of cells or lattices.

To change the number of cells or lattices:

  1. In the image window, select the mesh.
  2. In the Deform menu, change the number of cells in the Cells X, Y, and Z fields. By default they are set to 3, 3, 3.
  3. In the Lattices X, Y, and Z field, change the number of vertices.

    The cells or lattices are added to the deformation mesh.

    Image courtesy of Quietman

  4. To view the original mesh, enable Show Source.
  5. Use the Outside button to apply the deformation outside of the mesh (enabled) or constrain the deformation within the mesh (disabled).

To select points:

  1. From the Tools box, choose Select.
  2. Select the point(s):
    • To select a single point, click the point.
    • To select a range of points, hold the Ctrl key and draw a box around the points you want to select.
    • To add a point or range of points to a selection, hold Shift+Ctrl and draw a box around the point(s) you want to add to the selection.

    When you move a point, all selected points also move.

    Image courtesy of Quietman

    To transform a point on the mesh, drag it in the image window, or change the value in one of the X,Y or Z Translation fields.