Working with the Stereo Scene

When working in a stereoscopic workflow, the stereo object lets you visualize the scene. The stereo object lets you composite stereo sources in Action, ensuring the stereo effect of the stereo source is preserved during the compositing process. You can combine stereo objects with 3D geometry, such as 3D text or FBX models within the same scene.

The stereo object is a single image surface which contains two diffuse maps (left and right) for handling stereo sources. When working in a stereoscopic workflow in Action, you must handle the left and right eye as separate media in the Media list. When a stereo object is filmed by a stereo camera, a link is created between the left image of the object and the left camera of the stereo rig. This is the same for the right image and right camera. The link ensures that left-eye material is only visible through the left camera, and likewise, right-eye material is handled with the right camera.

Note: Entering Action with a stereo clip will automatically create a stereo object with the stereo clip used as the left and right material.

To add a stereo object to a scene (not applicable if you accessed Action as a timeline FX):

  1. In the Media list, select the media for the left eye. Press Ctrl and select media for the right eye.
    Note: By default, the first clip you select is the media for the left eye. You can select multiple pairs of left-right media. Odd numbered selections are considered as left media and even numbered selections are the right media when creating stereo objects.
  2. Create a stereo object for the media by doing one of the following:
    • Drag the Stereo Object node from the node bin and place it in the schematic.
    • Drag the Stereo Object node from the node bin and place it where you want it in the Result view.
    • Double-click the Stereo Object node. You do not need to be in Schematic view to add a node in this manner.

    The stereo object is added to the scene.

  3. To display a selected viewport in any of the stereo modes (Anaglyph Mono, Anaglyph Dubois, Blend or one of the Difference modes), select one from the Stereo mode button in the lower-left corner of the viewport.
    Note: The viewport must be set to Result.
  4. To open the Stereo Object menu, double-click the StereoObject node in the schematic.