
Use the Clone brush to paint a copy of the result image to any position on the result image. The Clone brush can also be applied to an output matte image. For example, if the result image has a tree that you would like to copy to another position on the image, you can offset a copy of it to a different position and then paint it onto the result.

A Clone brush is similar to a Reveal brush, except that it only takes the result images for input.

To clone an image:

  1. From the Paint Mode box, select Clone (Ctrl+2).
  2. Set the brush size according to the size of the area you want to clone.
  3. To select the area you want to clone, press Ctrl and click the canvas.

    When you click the canvas, the red cursor is anchored and a green cursor appears.

  4. Position the green cursor over the destination area and click the canvas.

    The green and red cursors are now locked into positions relative to each other and move in tandem.

  5. Paint on the image.

    The image contained within the red circle brush is copied to the region defined by the green circle.

Useful Paint settings:

Tip: Enable the Overlay button, and set the Reference box to Result, to visualize the source material that will be cloned.

To paint a source (other than the result) onto the canvas, use the Reveal tool. See Reveal .

To clone an image and include cloned image in the brush strokes, use the Recursive Clone tool. See Recursive Clone .

To limit the cloned regions to the areas delimited by the matte, select an option in the Matte Source box.