Resource Management

A Resource Manager utility is available from the Flame menu. The Resource manager indicates the amount of RAM and VRAM that are Available, Used by the system, Used by the software, and Free. It also lists the RAM and VRAM clients, and details their memory consumption.

Memory Management Tokens

Two tokens located in the init.cfg file enable you to define the percentage of Memory and Graphics Memory to reserve for the application. These tokens deprecate both the MemoryApplication token and the -M startup switch. They are:
  • MemoryConsumptionTarget
  • GraphicsMemoryConsumptionTarget

See the init.cfg file for additional details, but in most cases, you do not need to worry about these. If you are using Connected Colour workflow, see Memory Settings for Connected Colour Workflow below.

Note: The recommended ratio for system-memory (RAM) to graphics card memory (VRAM) is 3-1. If you are using Shot Reactor, add up the values of both graphics cards before calculating the right ratio.

Memory Settings for Connected Colour Workflow

When running simultaneously Lustre and Flame/Flare on the same system, each application tries to acquire most of the resources of the workstation. To make sure the applications behave, configure Flame's GraphicsMemoryConsumptionTarget and MemoryConsumptionTarget percentages to one of the following recommended values. The percentages depend on both the complexity of the work, and the amount of available memory resources.
Note: When reading the tables below, the presence of a second graphics card for Shot Reactor has no impact: only consider the VRAM of one card.
Working Resolution: 4K / UHD
VRAM Present on the Graphics Card Installed RAM
Grade Complexity 6 GB 12 GB 24 GB 16 GB 32 GB 64 GB 128 GB
Low 50% 70% 80% 50% 70% 80% 85%
Medium N/R 60% 75% N/R 65% 75% 80%
High N/R 50% 65% N/R 60% 75% 80%
GraphicsMemoryConsumptionTarget percentage MemoryConsumptionTarget percentage
Working Resolution: 2K / UHD
VRAM Present on the Graphics Card Installed RAM
Grade Complexity 6 GB 12 GB 24 GB 16 GB 32 GB 64 GB 128 GB
Low 80% 85% 85% 80% 85% 85% 85%
Medium 75% 80% 85% 75% 80% 85% 85%
High 65% 75% 85% 75% 80% 85% 85%
GraphicsMemoryConsumptionTarget percentage MemoryConsumptionTarget percentage
