Enable to connect the background automatically so that Action composites your effect. When disabled, the background is off and the matte is configured to output the result of the scene, so it can be comped by the Comp Timeline FX. You can override this preference for specific Action Timeline FX with the Use Back button in the Action quick menu.
Timeline Comp
Default Segment Premultiplication box
Select the default segment premultiplication setting for timeline comp effects.
Default Background Premultiplication box
Select the default background premultiplication setting for timeline comp effects.
Default Output Premultiplication box
Select the default output premultiplication setting for timeline comp effects.
Timeline Resize
Fit Method box
Select a fit option for clips that must be resized when they are added to the timeline because their resolution is different from the project.
Resize Quality box
Select a sampling algorithm for clips that must be resized when they are added to the timeline.
Keep Aspect button
Enable to maintain the aspect ratio of clips that are resized when you add the to the timeline.
Timeline Text
Text Anti-aliasing box
Select an anti-aliasing rate for Text effects. Auto-Softness mode is set by default and provides a softness equal to the display quality you see in the Text effect. An anti-aliasing rate of 1 means no anti-aliasing is performed and the result is a hard edge. Other anti-aliasing rates increase the sampling rate, but also increase processing time.
Default Font field
Displays the default font for entering text. Click to open the font browser to select a different font.
Timeline Timewarp
Interpolation Option box
Select an interpolation option for your interlaced timewarp.
Use Last Speed button
Enable to apply the last timewarp speed to future timewarps.
Timewarp Speed Display box
Select whether timewarp speed is displayed as a percentage (%) or in frames per second (fps).
Timewarp Sample Option box
Select whether the speed of the timewarp is set in relation to the speed at the beginning, middle, or end of the timing curve for each frame or field. You can also change the Timewarp Sample option in the Timewarp Editor to override this selection.
Effects Timebar
Auto Select on Scrub button
Enable to select automatically the clip under the positioner when you stop scrubbing the Timebar.
Auto Select on Stop button
Enable to select automatically the shot under the positioner when you stop the playback.
No Cache in Context Views button
Enable to make Effects shot-to-shot navigation faster but Timeline-to-Effects navigation slower. Disable to make Timeline-to-Effects navigation faster but Effects shot-to-shot navigation slower.
Update Numerics on Scrub button
Enable to update the value of animated fields as you scrub the Timebar.
Remember Last Frame button
Set the frame to display when selecting a segment in the Timebar. Enable to display the last viewed frame or the Thumbnail. Disable to always display the first frame of the segment.
Effects Storyboard
Connected Conform Groups button
Enable to automatically create groups across connected sequences within the same Reel Group.
Centre Storyboard button
Enable to always centre the storyboard on the selected segment.
Default Image Type menu
This controls the default grading toolset in the Primary menu and the scaling and response of the tools in the Tone menu. Select Project Working Space to configure automatically based on the Working Colour Space set in the Colour Management Preferences. Otherwise manually specify that you will be using a Video, Scene-linear, or Logarithmic type of colour space. You may override this default value in the MasterGrade Controls menu.
Default RGB Widget Style box
Select Wheel to use a colour wheel to adjust RGB values. Select Sliders to use a red, green, and blue slider. You may override this default value in the MasterGrade Controls menu.
Favour Primary/Tone menu
When going from MasterGrade collapsed view to its expanded view, display the unified Primary/Tone menu.
Pybox Default Path
Pybox Default Location button
Set the Pybox Current Location field to its default value.
Pybox Current Location field
The location displayed in the file browser when you load a Pybox node in Batch.
Browse to Pybox button
Set the Pybox Current Location field to another location.
Default Reference Name
Default Reference Name Path field
Displays the default name used for newly-grabbed references. Editable.
Reference Name Path Token box
Select a token to be included in the default name for newly-grabbed references. Repeat to add additional tokens.